Game for Creativity & Algorithmic Thinking
Algolittle’s deck of cards for creative writing: is it a mind game?
The Polytechnic of Viseu collaborated with a local secondary school – Escola Secundária de Emídio Navarro – in their ERASMUS+ mobility project “Walking to the Future with Mind Games” on 28th February.
A group of 15 teachers and 22 students from 5 countries, Portugal, Poland, Italy, Turkey and Greece, worked together with Algolittle’s “deck of cards for creative drawing”.
The project focus on the development of technological knowledge and competencİes combined with mind games, so algorithmic thinking was a good contribution. The dynamic was very interesting as the deck suggests collaboration as well as algorithmic thinking. Many of the participants created new cards and enjoyed the cycles and conditions as challenging. The innovative material was highly regarded and the minds were at play!
Read the manual and download the deck. If you want to ask a question or share your opinions please contact us at